I can’t even believe that our sweet baby girl is already one month old. When they say time flies by once baby comes, it’s the truth. December 4, 2018 was such a special day in my life, and I hope that by documenting all the details here, I will always remember it like it was yesterday.
My pregnancy was a bit of a roller coaster throughout the past year. It was definitely filled with ups and downs. At our 20 week ultrasound appointment, we learned that Kinley was breech. I could actually feel her head as a hard spot under my right ribs. She was in a frank breech position where her legs were up next to her head, and she was sitting in a v-shape. They told us not to worry, because there was still so much time for her to flip over and get into the right position.
By our 36 week appointment, she still wasn’t flipped, and we started discussing the possibility of a c-section. We scheduled her birth date for December 6th at 39 weeks pending she didn’t flip before then. I knew that with the c-section my recovery was going to be much more difficult, but at the end of the day I just wanted what was safest for my baby.
Tuesday, December 4th started just like any other day. I began my maternity leave the day before, so I spent most of the day cleaning the house and preparing for baby’s arrival. I was having some lower back pain that day, but nothing out of the ordinary. That afternoon, my sister and I went to get mani/pedis as a last way to treat myself.
The gentleman who was giving me a pedicure kindly explained that this could cause me to go into labor. I laughed it off and told him to go ahead… I was scheduled for c-section in two days anyways. Not sure if he saw this as a challenge, because I had a really great foot and leg massage that day.
My sister dropped me off back at home around 6:15pm, and my husband, Jacoby, walked into the door five minutes later. We quickly chatted about our days, and I told him about my pedicure experience. I joked that we might need to go to the hospital that night. He wanted to use the bathroom, but I told him to let me go first and I would make it quick. (Not sure why… we have two bathrooms in our house. Haha.)
As soon as I sit down on the toilet, kaboom! I yell out to my husband, “Jacoby, my water just broke!” He told me to stop lying, and it wasn’t funny. I opened the door and once he saw my face, he knew I wasn’t kidding. I called my doctor, and he told me to head to the hospital and that I would be having my baby tonight. This was about 6:30pm.