What to Pack in Your Pump Bag When Going Back to Work - The Holtz House
It’s been two months since I’ve gone back to work after maternity leave… and I’ve survived! Some days I didn’t think it was possible. But here I am! Getting used to being away from my little girl for 10+ hours every day definitely has been an adjustment. Also, just getting back into the work flow has taken some getting used to. But I would say my biggest challenge has been pumping. Kinley is exclusively breastfed and the whole experience overall has been pretty great for us. She had no issues latching in the hospital and she loves to eat! I’ve got plenty of milk, probably an over supply TBH which is why I’ve had mastitis twice already in the first 3 months. Ugh. I realized early on that I hated pumping. It’s everything that breastfeeding isn’t. Cold, sterile and mechanical. No bonding… no special snuggles with my baby girl. Just suction. So I was already dreading it when thinking about going back to work. Since then, I’ve gotten into the groove. And while I don’t love pumping…. it’s my goal to breastfeed for a full year. So I gotta make it work in the office! I’ve rounded up a list […]
The Holtz House